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2021 B4T Investment Market Study

We interviewed more dozens of funds and groups focused on investing in the BAM/B4T space, with faith-driven entrepreneurs at the helm. With 53 funds in total, you'll get a wide perspective of investment focuses in both early and late stage funding.

  • We asked questions to shed light on the how soon firms tend to make their first investment, and what size funding rounds they like to participate.

  • We uncovered investment minimums for potential investors looking to be a Limited Partner or investor into those funds.

  • We uncovered which funds give you a tax return, a financial return and some even offer both (via Donor Advised Funds).

  • We uncovered which funds founders should approach at the earliest stages for startup capital and which ones are more focused on growth capital.


All of these questions and more are answered in the 2021 B4T Investment Market Study.

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